Policy Center

Managing Risk is an important aspect of all successful businesses.
Developing and managing a security and privacy program is key to managing your organization's risk of data loss.
Policy Center helps you with annual assessments and policy and plan templates for your organization.


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Policy Center

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Decrease your Risk of Data Loss


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Organizational policies and plans are an important part of managing your risk of data loss.

Policy Center helps you develop and manage your annual policy and plan reviews.



uRISQ Registration is simple and can be done in a few clicks.

  • Go to Provider URL
  • Complete Form
  • Accept and Submit


Policy Center

Manage your risk by developing and managing your privacy and security program with editable templates for plans and policies with annual review notifications.

  • Register on uRISQ
  • Take annual assessment
  • Use policy and plan templates
  • Document compliance activities


Threat Scanning

Perform vulnerability scans on your website and firewall. Close the access points nefarious actors are looking for. Set up in less than 1 minute and start locking those virtual doors.

  • Register on uRISQ
  • Enter in website and firewall IP address
  • Wait for scan result email
  • Document compliance activities
  • Registration

  • Policy Center

  • Threat Scanning

We want to hear from you to make uRISQ the best solution for small to medium-sized businesses. We want to listen to our customers and want to answer your questions. If you have a question and have not found the answer on our site or our Help Center, send us a note using the form below.

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frequently asked questions

Policy Center

  • Why do I need a Privacy Policy?

    A published privacy policy is the most effective way of telling your customers what type of data you are collecting from them and what your intention is to use that data. Many laws outline this as a requirement; if you have a mobile application, the Apple Store and Google Play require a published privacy policy.

  • How does Policy Center mitigate my risk of data loss?

    Our goal is to decrease your chances of data loss because of "negligence." Implementing organizational policies and plans and ensuring that your organization and employees are following them is a way to avoid accidental data loss and loss due to "insider threat." Policy Center will help you stay on top of your annual reviews to prove you are maturing and taking the necessary steps to avoid a successful data breach.

  • Why do I need to document so much?

    Documenting your compliance activities is the proof you may need when there is an inquiry from regulators, certifying organizations, or civil authorities. "I did not know" is no longer an acceptable answer. Proof of a privacy and security program, which includes documentation of your compliance activities, will help with proving your organization was not negligent.

  • Will this help me with obtaining a SOC2 or other certifications?

    Organizational certifications like the SOC2 require that you prove your organization has implemented administrative controls. Administrative controls are the policies and plan your organization has in place. uRISQ helps provide those policies and plans accessible in the Resource Library. In addition, annual reviews of your policies and plans are critical in showing that you have an ongoing, maintained program.

  • Are the templates and plans easy to use?

    Yes, uRISQ saves you time because all templates are in MS Word format. In addition, each policy or plan has best practices that outline what each section of the template should cover. Many can complete a policy or plan within a day.

  • What if I need to make changes to my policy before a year?

    uRISQ allows you to generate tasks anytime you need to log your compliance activities. Our goal is to provide you with a flexible solution so that you can manage your risk without the burden of complex and rigid workflows. Create a checklist with a click of a button or add notes; whichever is easiest for you, your compliance activity will be logged.

uRISQ Help Center

Annual Policy Center

Policy Center has two elements, an annual privacy assessment and our resource library of policy and plans templates.

The annual privacy assessment is a yearly check of your program’s development and maturity. Policy Center provides recommendations based on the answers given so you can focus on the areas where you need remediation.

uRISQ annual assessment is not like other assessments. We will not be asking you 100 questions. We focus on the questions that matter and have been vital indicators to affect risk and data breach likelihood.

Resource Library


Not sure where to start? The Resource Library is the right place. Many companies do not understand what is needed to develop a privacy and security plan. We believe developing organizational plans and policies is the best place to start.


The uRISQ resource library provides editable templates so you can save time while considering best practices while modifying the templates for your organization’s specific needs.


Policy and plan development can be a daunting task. uRISQ makes it easy and gives most users a significant step forward in just one click.


Compliance Log


A comprehensive privacy and security program will help you manage your risk of data loss, but unfortunately, it cannot guarantee it. That is why documenting your compliance activity is critical. Proof of your actions is vital in showing regulators and civil authorities that you are making significant efforts to keep the data you collect and manage safely.


In addition, regulations continue to grow, and individuals’ right to privacy action will become more prevalent. Prove your compliance efforts and manage your risk of fines and fees while protecting your brand.


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