Vendor Management

Every business relies on third-party vendors to perform some aspect of its operations.
Whether a CRM, Human Resources, or eCommerce/Point of Sales, third parties collect, store, and process the data on behalf of your business. It is a requirement that you ensure those vendors are handling the information you have entrusted to them to the same privacy and security standards you are publishing in your privacy policy.


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Vendor Management

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We want to hear from you to make uRISQ the best solution for small to medium-sized businesses. We want to listen to our customers and want to answer your questions. If you have a question and have not found the answer on our site or our Help Center, send us a note using the form below.

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frequently asked questions

Vendor Management

  • Can't I trust my vendors to keep my data safe?

    Although that is the reason why many businesses choose to select a third-party vendor, they trust them to be the best software solution for their needs. However, much like your company, they have a core competency that correlates to the immediate function of what the solution is providing. In addition, they are providing a solution to support multiple businesses, and they may or may not be managing your data to your standards. If you state in your privacy policy that you do not sell your customers' data. Still, if you bring on a vendor that says they will use the data they collect on your behalf for marketing purposes, you need to know and decide whether you want to have a relationship with that vendor.

  • What is my responsibility for the data collected, stored, or transmitted by a third-party vendor?

    Regulations define you as a Controller, which assigns the responsibility to you to ensure the privacy and security of the data you collect, regardless if you choose to use a third party. That third-party vendor is defined as a Processor and may hold some responsibility, depending on the jurisdiction, but ultimately the responsibility lies with the Controller.

  • What should I look for in a vendor?

    Specific to privacy and security, use uRISQ Vendor Management and the Foundation Assessment(s). These assessments are there to help you make a determination if the vendor follows your privacy and security policies.

  • Do I need to add all the vendors that we work with?

    We suggest you focus on those vendors that collect, store or transmit personal/sensitive data on your behalf.

  • Should we have one department in charge of vendor management?

    uRISQ is designed to support your company's needs. uRISQ is a multi-user system that will allow you to create additional users (at no extra charge) to support what your organization needs to support vendor management. In many cases, vendor management is centralized so that there is a standard on how vendors are reviewed and approved.

  • Am I charged more if I put more vendors in?

    Unlike many other online tools that base the cost on the number of users, the number of records, etc., uRISQ does not have any additional charge to use our solution. It is important to us that you are able to use uRISQ how it best fits into your organization.

uRISQ Help Center

Vendor Management

Experts say that over 60% of all breaches stemmed from a third-party vendor. Businesses choose third-party vendors to bring efficiency and ease to their daily operations. With efficiency and ease, less-than-ideal security and privacy standards can often come. Not all third-party vendors will be the source of data loss, but selecting one that is less likely is your responsibility.


uRISQ Vendor Management helps with the assessment process for new and existing vendors. In addition, it will help manage your annual reviews to ensure they still abide by your current privacy and security standards.

uRISQ How-to-Videos help you easily setup and use our modules.



uRISQ Registration is simple and can be done in a few clicks.

  • Go to Provider URL
  • Complete Form
  • Accept and Submit


Policy Center

Manage your risk by developing and managing your privacy and security program with editable templates for plans and policies with annual review notifications.

  • Register on uRISQ
  • Take annual assessment
  • Use policy and plan templates
  • Document compliance activities


Threat Scanning

Perform vulnerability scans on your website and firewall. Close the access points nefarious actors are looking for. Set up in less than 1 minute and start locking those virtual doors.

  • Register on uRISQ
  • Enter in website and firewall IP address
  • Wait for scan result email
  • Document compliance activities
  • Registration

  • Policy Center

  • Threat Scanning

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