Data Subject Access Requests

Privacy Regulations are changing, and new Privacy Acts are being implemented that allow for private action.
In addition to private action, customers expect transparency from the businesses they work with.
They have an expectation of data privacy and are relying on you to deliver it.


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Comply with the Right to Access Data



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We want to hear from you to make uRISQ the best solution for small to medium-sized businesses. We want to listen to our customers and want to answer your questions. If you have a question and have not found the answer on our site or our Help Center, send us a note using the form below.

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frequently asked questions


  • What is a DSAR?

    A DSAR or Data Subject Access Request is an inquiry or request initiated by the individual or a legal representative requesting the specific information you collect, store, and transmit to the individual.

  • How do I ensure the individual requesting access to data is the individual or authorized representative?

    uRISQ has an ID Verification solution embedded into the application if you elect to use it (at no additional cost). If you prefer to verify manually, the system has fail-safe measures to ensure you verify the individual before processing the request.

  • Should I answer access requests from individuals that I am not legally required to respond to?

    This is dependent on what your organization's philosophy is on privacy transparency. Many companies have decided to be fully transparent and provide access requests to all their customers regardless of regulations. However, when processing a non-regulated request, you will not have a time restriction, and the system will help you prioritize those with a timeline limitation.

  • Will uRISQ allow me to assign tasks to my IT department?

    uRISQ is a multi-user system, and this also applies to DSAR. You can assign specific tasks to different users, including IT resources or other departmental resources needed to gain the information you need to fulfill the request.

uRISQ Help Center

Data Subject Access Request (DSAR)

Laws are currently in place that allows users the right to private action. This means if you do not respond to an information request correctly or in a timely manner, that individual can pursue legal action.


uRISQ’s DSAR module is a workflow management tool that helps organizations manage their requests from beginning to end.


You can have a DSAR submission form branded with your logo ready to post on your website in under a minute. Our easy-to-use solution allows you to customize your form’s messaging and colors and upload your logo while viewing your changes.


Once you have made your DSAR form available, you will be able to manage all your requests from an easy-to-use “Inbox.” The system individually reviews each request to determine regulated timelines, and notifications will be sent to you so you do not miss any requirements.

uRISQ How-to-Videos help you easily setup and use our modules.



uRISQ Registration is simple and can be done in a few clicks.

  • Go to Provider URL
  • Complete Form
  • Accept and Submit


Policy Center

Manage your risk by developing and managing your privacy and security program with editable templates for plans and policies with annual review notifications.

  • Register on uRISQ
  • Take annual assessment
  • Use policy and plan templates
  • Document compliance activities


Threat Scanning

Perform vulnerability scans on your website and firewall. Close the access points nefarious actors are looking for. Set up in less than 1 minute and start locking those virtual doors.

  • Register on uRISQ
  • Enter in website and firewall IP address
  • Wait for scan result email
  • Document compliance activities
  • Registration

  • Policy Center

  • Threat Scanning

Questions about uRISQ?  We want to hear from you.

Please select which uRISQ Module you have a question about.
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